Promo Codes for MidJourney

Looking for a MidJourney coupon code to have access to exclusive advantages? Even though MidJourney periodically runs promotions, it’s essential to remain informed by following their official channels and announcements.

Keep an eye out for limited-time specials that might net you fun benefits and discounts.

MidJourney Pricing and Subscriptions

To meet a range of demands, MidJourney provides numerous subscription packages. Basic, Standard, and Premium are the three pricing categories; each has a different set of features and limitations.

Visit the MidJourney website for more pricing details and to select the plan that best meets your needs.

Key Features of MidJourney

Aspect Ratio Optimization

The aspect ratio optimisation function in MidJourney guarantees that pictures fit exactly within the intended frame.

Images are automatically adjusted to retain the proper proportions, removing any stretching or distortion.

Image Resolution Enhancement

You may improve the resolution of your photographs using MidJourney to make them crisper and more vivid. With pixelated or poor-quality photos, this function is very helpful.

Image Usage Monitoring

You may use MidJourney to keep track of how many photos are being utilised on your server.

This guarantees that you stay inside any constraints and helps you manage your image resources wisely.

Integrating MidJourney into Your Discord Server

It’s simple to add MidJourney to your Discord server. Just take the following actions:

  • Log in to the MidJourney website using your Discord credentials.
  • Choose your server from the list, then give MidJourney permission to connect.
  • Configure MidJourney’s settings to suit your tastes.
  • Enjoy your server’s improved visual experience!

Customizing MidJourney’s Subscription

MidJourney is aware that every user has a unique set of requirements. It offers customization possibilities for your membership as a result.

Through your account settings on the MidJourney website, you may quickly update, upgrade, or downgrade your plan.

Aspect Ratio Optimization with MidJourney

The aspect ratio optimisation in MidJourney makes sure that images appear correctly within the channels and messages on your server.

You may provide your community a visually appealing experience by keeping the proper aspect ratio.

Enhancing Image Resolution with MidJourney

No more pixelated or fuzzy pictures! Your graphics will look better thanks to the picture resolution enhancement option in MidJourney.

It’s ideal for displaying pictures, artwork, or other visuals that might use a bit more clarity.

Monitoring Image Usage in MidJourney

It’s crucial to keep track of your picture use to make sure you don’t exceed your allotted restrictions.

By giving statistics and information on the quantity of photos utilised on your server, MidJourney makes this process easier. Keep yourself educated and use your resources wisely.

Managing Banned Words with MidJourney

A built-in feature of MidJourney allows you to control terms that are prohibited on your server.

You may make a list of forbidden words and make sure that each submitted image is automatically scanned for them and filtered away.

This keeps your community’s atmosphere secure and encouraging.

Cancelling Your MidJourney Subscription

You may simply cancel your MidJourney membership if you wish to do so for any reason.

Visit the MidJourney website, sign into your account, go to the settings for your subscription, and then follow the on-screen directions.

Please be aware that when a subscription is cancelled, some functions are removed and restrictions are reinstalled.

Utilizing MidJourney’s API

Developers may add unique connectors and increase the functionality of the bot using the MidJourney API.

By utilising the API, you may create original experiences and modify MidJourney to meet your individual needs.

Obtaining the Seed Number in MidJourney

The MidJourney seed number is a key component for streamlining picture processing.

Please refer to the detailed instructions given by MidJourney to acquire the seed number.

It will lead you through the procedures required to obtain this important data.


How can I invite MidJourney to my private server?

Follow these procedures to invite MidJourney to your own server:

  • Log in to the MidJourney website using your Discord credentials.
  • Go to “Invite” under the menu.
  • Choose your server from the list, then give MidJourney permission to connect.
  • Enjoy the features of MidJourney on your private server!

Can I change my MidJourney subscription plan?

Yes, you are always free to alter your MidJourney membership plan.

Simply access the subscription options by going to the MidJourney website, creating an account there, and logging in.

Then, depending on your needs, you can upgrade, downgrade, or adjust your plan.

Does MidJourney support different aspect ratios?

Absolutely! With MidJourney, you can choose from a number of aspect ratios to personalise how photos appear on your Discord server.

To create a space that appeals to the eye, you may change the aspect ratio settings to suit your tastes.

How can I get high-resolution images with MidJourney?

You may improve the quality of your photographs by using the image resolution improvement function in MidJourney.

The clarity and aesthetic attractiveness of low-resolution photographs can be greatly enhanced by using this function and uploading them.

Is there a limit to the number of images I can process with MidJourney?

Yes, depending on your membership level, MidJourney has restrictions on the amount of photographs you may process.

However, you can keep an eye on your image consumption using the data provided by the bot and make sure you don’t go over your allotted allowances.


When it comes to improving the visual material on your Discord server, MidJourney is a game-changer.

You may design an interesting and aesthetically pleasing experience for your community using tools like aspect ratio optimisation, picture resolution improvement, and image usage tracking.

Why then wait? MidJourney will help your Discord server reach new heights.