Game Save File Location – Saves are located in:

%USERPROFILE%Saved GamesPentiment

Why Use Pentiment Cheats?

Why someone would desire to employ pentiment cheats may be a mystery to you. The explanations, though, are as varied as the gaming community itself.

Pentiment hacks might offer a new viewpoint on a game you’ve played a lot and make it seem fascinating and novel.

You may also use them to go through difficult stages, which will make the game play less irritating and more fun.

How to Change Time of Day in Pentiment

It’s simple to alter the time of day in Pentiment, which can improve your gaming experience and let you explore the game’s setting under various lighting situations.

A step-by-step tutorial is provided below:

Access the Console Command:
You must use the in-game console command to modify the time of day in Pentiment. On a keyboard, this is commonly accomplished by hitting the tilde key ().

This key is often found just above the tab key and beneath the escape key.

Enter the Command:
You may use the command to alter the time of day once the console is active. The command frequently has a certain format, like:

Copy code

settimeofday [hour] [minute]

Substitute the desired hour and minute for [hour] and [minute], respectively. For instance, you would type the following to set the time to 3:00 PM:

Copy code

settimeofday 15 00

Press the Enter key after typing the command.

Observe the Changes:
The command should cause the game’s time of day to adjust after being entered. The lighting and atmosphere in the game environment will change to reflect the new time setting.

This may be very helpful for discovering new game mechanics or taking breathtaking in-game screenshots.

Save Your Progress:
After altering the time of day, it’s a good idea to save your game, especially if you intend to carry on playing after that.

By doing this, you may always go back to the modified time setting without losing any game progress.

Experiment and Enjoy:

In Pentiment, altering the time of day may provide a different perspective on the game and create new opportunities for gaming.

Try out several timings to see how they impact your gaming experience.

Pentiment’s universe is yours to explore in your favourite illumination, whether it’s the beautiful brightness of dawn or the eerie ambiance of night.

It’s important to keep in mind that not every game has a console command for adjusting the time of day, and the exact command might differ from game to game.

It’s a good idea to look for any game-specific instructions on this feature in the game’s official documentation or community forums.

Enjoy your time in Pentiment’s dynamic environment!

How to Add Background in Pentiment

In Pentiment, altering the time of day may provide a different perspective on the game and create new opportunities for gaming.

Try out several timings to see how they impact your gaming experience.

Pentiment’s universe is yours to explore in your favourite illumination, whether it’s the beautiful brightness of dawn or the eerie ambiance of night.

It’s important to keep in mind that not every game has a console command for adjusting the time of day, and the exact command might differ from game to game.

It’s a good idea to look for any game-specific instructions on this feature in the game’s official documentation or community forums.

Enjoy your time in Pentiment’s dynamic environment!

Identify Your Game Version:

Determine the version of Pentiment you are using first. The techniques for adding backgrounds may differ between versions, and certain modifications or tools may only work with a particular version.

Find a Suitable Mod or Tool:

Usually, you’ll need a mod or a program made specifically for Pentiment to add a backdrop.

These are frequently located on game-specific forums or modification websites. Make sure the tool or mod is compatible with the game version you are using.

Download and Install the Mod or Tool:

To download and install the mod or tool, adhere to the installation instructions that came with it.
Using mod management tools or putting files in particular game folders may be required for this.

To avoid any problems, please follow the installation instructions at all times.

Activate the Mod:
You must activate the mod or tool in the game after installation.

Frequently, a menu in-game or a mod administration interface is used for this. Installed background tools and mods should be enabled.

Configure Background Settings:

You could have the ability to customize backdrop settings depending on the mod or tool you’ve selected.

This can entail choosing a certain background picture, changing its transparency, or modifying other aesthetic elements. To get the desired appearance, experiment with these options.

Test Your Background:
To see the backdrop in action, launch an existing game or create a new one.

Ensure that it enriches your game experience and appears as you planned.

Save Your Game:
Save your game progress as soon as you’re happy with the background. This guarantees that your backdrop selection will be kept for further gameplay sessions.

Explore Additional Background Options:

A wide range of backdrop settings are provided by several Pentiment modifications and utilities.

Feel free to try out various backdrops to suit your preferences or design a special gaming environment.

Check for Updates:
For updates, keep an eye on the community forums or the mod’s official website.

Updates might include new features, correct bugs, or make compatibility better.

Backup Your Game Files:
Always make a backup of your game files before making any major modifications, such as adding backgrounds.

This safety measure guarantees that, if necessary, you can return to the starting condition of the game.

Your gaming experience may be made more unique and interesting by adding a background in Pentiment.

To guarantee a seamless and pleasurable gaming experience with your selected backdrop, just be sure to adhere to both the game’s modification standards and the instructions supplied by the mod or tool’s makers.

The Ethical Dilemma

It’s important to discuss the morality of utilizing pentiment cheating before we continue.

While cheating might improve your gaming experience, some people contend that it takes away from the sense of accomplishment that comes from winning a game the right way.

It’s critical to create a balance between enjoying yourself by utilizing hacks and pushing yourself to succeed without them.

Mastering Pentiment Cheats – Finding Reliable Pentiment Cheats

Finding trustworthy sources for pentiment cheats is the next step after realizing their appeal.

There are several cheats, guides, and tactics on the internet. You should start your search on gaming-specific websites and forums.

In order to avoid viruses or false information, make sure you select reliable sources.

Pentiment Cheats for Different Platforms

Gaming isn’t only available on one platform. Each gaming platform, including PC, consoles, and mobile devices, provides a distinctive gaming experience.

It’s critical to understand which cheats are applicable to the platform you’ve chosen because pentiment cheats are also platform-specific.

Using Pentiment Cheats Strategically

It’s crucial to utilize pentiment cheats wisely if you want to succeed at gaming. Instead than relying completely on them to advance, think of them as tools to help you improve your abilities.

To improve your gaming skills, for instance, practice challenging levels without cheats before using them to access secret material.

Are pentiment cheats legal?

Although utilizing sentiment tricks in online multiplayer games is not against the law, doing so might result in bans or other consequences. Always review the terms of service for the game.

Can I use pentiment cheats in single-player games guilt-free?

In single-player games, cheating is usually acceptable because it doesn’t interfere with other players’ enjoyment.

Are there any risks involved in downloading

Pentiment cheats from the internet?

It’s true that getting cheats from shady sites puts your device at risk for malware or viruses. Use only trustworthy websites.

Do developers support pentiment cheats?

While some game makers encourage cheating as a good method for players to have fun, others do not. From game to game, it differs.

Can pentiment cheats be used in competitive gaming?

The use of cheats is absolutely forbidden in the majority of competitive gaming settings and can lead to disqualification.

What’s the difference between pentiment cheats and hacks?

The use of cheats is absolutely forbidden in the majority of competitive gaming settings and can lead to disqualification.


Pentiment cheats might be your hidden weapon in the world of gaming, opening you new worlds of excitement and fun.

But it’s crucial to utilize them morally and sensibly, abiding by the guidelines established by game creators and the gaming community.

With the information you’ve learned from this tutorial, you’re equipped with pentiment cheats that will enable you to successfully complete any task as you set off on an exciting gaming adventure.

Keep in mind that pentiment cheats are like secret doors in a maze of pixels and polygons that are just waiting for you to discover them.

So, feel free to enjoy cheating, and may your gaming exploits become famous!